A Little Women-themed Tea Party with Kindred Spirits
The last day of The Enchanted Book Club’s Concord literary tour was filled with countless surprises and memories that we’ll cherish forever (if you haven’t read the recaps of Day 1 and Day 2, you can do so by clicking here!). On our third and last day of the trip, we met with a knowledgable (and adorable) guide, Masha who accompanied us on our charter bus for a tour of Concord & Lexington with additional literary highlights. After having visited Louisa May Alcott’s home, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s home, and Walden Pond during the preceding days, our guests described the tour of Concord & Lexington as a perfect bow that tied together everything we had learned.
On a cloudy, cozy morning, we immersed ourselves in area’s war history and learned about the battles that kicked off the American Revolutionary War, one year shy of its 250th anniversary. Our tour took place partially on the bus with a few stops at places like the Lexington Battle Green, the North Bridge (known as the location of the “shot heard around the world”), the Old Manse, and Sleepy Hollow Cemetery where Louisa May Alcott and her family are buried.

After paying our respects on Author’s Ridge, it was time for our closing event — a Little Women tea party. Little did The Enchanted Book Club know that they were in for some surprises! As we sat down at our tables in dresses, floral tea cups in hand, I was internally counting down to 1:30pm for our first surprise: a special appearance by “Louisa May Alcott.”

At 1:30pm sharp, just as planned, I heard a knock on the door then tiptoed up the staircase. When I opened the door, there was Jan Turnquist (Executive Director of Orchard House) dressed in full 1800s attire, portraying Louisa May Alcott for us! Our guests were so delighted — watch the video below to see their reaction. For the next hour, “Louisa” told us fascinating stories about her life and enthusiastically answered our guests’ questions. It was truly enchanting.
Speaking of surprises, during the tea party one of our kindred spirits gave me the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received. If you follow me on Instagram or have tuned into The Enchanted Book Club’s Zoom interviews with authors, you may be familiar with my bookshelves. Pamela (@hickoryhollowcreations) hand made a replica of my bookshelves with the sweetest details. She included tiny replicas of The Enchanted Book Club’s reading selections, my typewriter, and even a passport on the Jane Austen shelf to commemorate the book club’s first trip to England.

I couldn’t help but be brought to tears by this gift that represents how The Enchanted Book Club came to be. I’m often asked how the book club began, and always explain that I started posting photos of my books and displays on Instagram. From there, I cultivated an audience of book lovers and wanted to create an enchanting experience for us. Without knowing it at the time, my bookshelves were the catalyst for The Enchanted Book Club…and without those shelves, I’m not entirely certain that 50 kindred spirits would have ever gathered in Concord for this literary adventure.
Next, it was time to announce that everyone would be going home with a souvenir: a beautiful edition of Little Women with a custom bookmark. As I was planning our Concord tour, I reached out to Union Square Publishing to see if they would be interested in gifting any books to our guests. They were so impressed and excited about our book club that they mailed 50 copies of Little Women directly to our hotel the day after I inquired! It was such a kind gesture of them. If you don’t already own their edition of Little Women, I know you’d love it. A hardcover with gilded pages and a ribbon marker, this edition adds a dash of magic to any bookshelf and also makes a lovely gift.
One of our kindred spirits, Isa Adney, is a writer and had the incredible opportunity to write IN Louisa May Alcott’s bedroom during our trip. It was a deeply inspiring experience for Isa which led to her writing a poem about our trip called “Easily Enchanted.” She read the poem at our tea party and there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. You can watch Isa’s reading below:
Just when I thought there were no more surprises, The Enchanted Book Club gifted me a copy of Little Women and signed the end pages with personal notes. My heart could have burst. We were all so emotional! Here is a video of their surprise to me:

I will never be able to put into words what this community means to me. Every experience I create for The Enchanted Book Club, whether it’s virtual or in-person, comes directly from my heart to theirs. So, when they gave me a signed copy of Little Women, all I wanted to do is give that love right back to them. We concluded our tea with a book signing as I wrote a personal message in each of their Little Women books. We had one-on-one conversations, took pictures, shed tears, shared hugs, and relished in the rare kind of joy we had all experienced together.

When I use the term “kindred spirits” to describe The Enchanted Book Club, it isn’t just a reference to Anne of Green Gables. It is the truth. On this trip we had 50 women from all over North America, ages 20 to 70, nearly all of them complete strangers, come together to celebrate the part of their hearts that they all share. There were women who told me they felt understood and accepted for the first time in their lives, who found solace in the midst of grief, and who had hope that enchantment truly does exist all because of The Enchanted Book Club. I will forever be grateful to every member of our community. Whether you attended this trip in-person or followed along online, your support means more than I could ever say. I love you. I love you. I love you! And if you’d like to join The Enchanted Book Club, we would be so excited to have you – join us at: enchantedbookclub.com
You have inspired me to join this wonderful community! I cannot wait!
Welcome to The Enchanted Book Club, Susan! I can’t tell you how excited I am that you’ve joined us!
Thank you for sharing! We are adding the Orchard house to our family vacation this summer.
This trip seemed magical! II was so moved by the special moments that I decided it’s time to join the club. I live 45 minutes from
Concord and been inspired to go a field trip and check out some the amazing places you’ve been. This edition of Little Wowen is stunning., it would be an honor to win a copy. Thank you, Nancy
So thrilled that you’re joining us, Nancy! You are going to love visiting these literary landmarks. Can’t wait to hear about your time!
I love Little Women and this looks like it was the best trip, I wish I had been able to join you
My favorite book, movie and soundtrack. I didn’t even know this is existed. Thank yo so much for sharing this wonderful experience!!

This trip looks so amazing! Glad you ladies had a great time!
I’m so enjoying being a part of this book club. I decided to join as a birthday present to myself!
Ah, and this trip-I totally missed out. Sigh! I followed your days reading every post and viewing it all on Instagram, and must admit I was a bit green with envy!
I read Little Women for the FIRST time at 70! In addition, I have now watched the ‘94 movie and the fabulous PBS series! Also got a copy of the Margaret Fuller book at your suggestion and read it!
This all sounds like the most wonderfully charming trip!! I can’t wait to attend one and meet such kindred spirits!
Thank you for sharing your experience. I would love to experience something like this. Little Women has such a hold on my heart. It’s a classic book that I love to pass down to others.
That’s so sweet that they all signed a Little Women copy for you. Such a good gift idea!
Sounds like a lovely time! I hope to be able to attend a trip in the future
I’ve grew up with Little Women and it has truly become a part of me! Jo truly guided me through my teen years and is now in my 20s. Seeing everyone come together made my heart so big <3 Louisa definitely had the biggest smile on her face with the group being at the home!
Just when I think this book club couldn’t be any more wonderful, I see the kinship these trips provide for members. This is so much more than a book club…it’s a cozy, warm, safe place I can go to find that so much beauty still exists in the human soul.
Oh this has been on my mind as I was not able to attend this trip… but to be able to see and follow along the journey has been a joy. What a special time!!

How dreamy and what a delicate and detailed replica!
Looks like it was a lovely time!
I have loved all the literary knowledge I’ve gained from The Enchanted Book Club and would love to own this copy of Little Women.
Oh, my, this is SO dreamy!!!
I would have given anything to be a part of if!
Thank you for sharing
What a beautiful trip

So many special memories made and kindred spirits forged
Love all the pics and blog posts
Hayley, thank you for including
Us in this beautiful adventure
Such a beautiful event celebrating a classic!! I love seeing people still appreciating beautiful literature!
I just joined your club today! And I’m so excited to get to know more book lovers like myself. Reading this and looking at these pictures makes me so eager for the chance to experience an in-person event like this! What an amazing thing you’ve created!
All of the posts and pictures from this trip could not have been more timely! I have been discovering some new drama adaptations of this lovely story, and I am obsessed
. Thank you for sharing all of this!
I think your followers would agree that you, Hayley, are the bow that ties together this kindred spirit community. While it didn’t work out for me to attend this event (this kindred spirit was there in spirit), I look forward to all of the future events you have planned, virtually and in person. To me, Louisa May Alcott has the magic of inspiring us all even into adulthood (I’d almost argue that she is most inspirational once one steps over the threshold into adulthood). What better place to revisit her than here? xo
What a wonderful excursion and bucket list. The poem was wonderful.
I loved following along on your trip! It looked so enchanting. I hope to one day be able to go on one myself! But I’m so glad to share in it from afar!
Such a beautiful event ♥️
Ah, so beautiful and enchanted experience!

Oh how I wish I could have gone. To be in Louisa May Alcotts home. And all you ‘kindred spirits’ together- bliss pure bliss! I feel so blessed to have found this ‘Enchanted Bookclub’. I don’t know anyone in my circle of friends who enjoy the classics and it’s been a bit lonely but not any more. I have friends who read and luckily I’m quite eclectic in my reading so can discuss those books
but the books read with this beautiful bookclub are my favourite. Hopefully next year I can perhaps meet some of you in England. I’m so glad you all had a lovely visit. A round of applause and lots of love to Hayley for all her time and effort. 

I so enjoyed following along! Maybe I will be fortunate enough to go someday. Thank you for sharing!
What a sweet post! You described the day so well. Thank you for inviting us who couldn’t attend the trip into the journey as well!
Watching your travels and joy in the beauty of things feminine lit a spark in my daughters and me. We discovered you just a few short weeks ago and wished we could have visited all things LMA. You all had such a lovely time. So thankful books can take us to a whole other world and share it with each other.
Wow!!!! After following you on Instagram for a while, I knew you had created something truly magical in that space. Then, to see you create the book club, I mean, wow! So excited to see the trip recaps and photos of all your adventures.
This community inspired me in so many ways. Even though I can’t join the tours right now as I’m a full time stay at home Mom, I love seeing the kindred spirits all together and having the best adventures of a lifetime! I joined right away when I saw your profile. I love what you do! Thank you for this wonderful blog – sharing everything you’ve experienced with us is so special – it’s magical!
It seems it was quite the delightful trip! What a wonderful experience to meet with fellow convivial kindred hearts with a love for literature. Thank you for sharing your trip!
How absolutely wonderful! Cheers to kindred spirits and so many beautiful adventures to come!
Dearest Hayley~ There is so much magical enchantment and joy in your words, images and powerfully beautiful description of this extraordinary journey. How gorgeous the days must have been, filled full of literary dreams realized and held your hearts, always. To share these incredible places with such a dear group of kindred spirits had to be the loveliest experience, as you wandered the paths, homes and history of some of the most incredible authors of all time. How I longed to be with you on this journey of joy, wonder and beauty. How deeply I thank you for the way you wrapped up and gifted us Louisa May Alcott’s world, the beauty of Walden, the wonders of the authors in Concord, Beacon Hill, the glorious bookstore and the heartfelt and heart-full beauty of your experience with such dear kindred spirits and friends. It meant so much to us here at home. So much love and gratitude to your heart, my friend, always.

It has been so special to follow along your trip from afar. I hope to be able to join the next one!
What a beautiful tea party experience for all. I am so happy to be a new member of this group and hope for an enchanted experience together in the near future!
Thank you for sharing the trip on Instagram. I loved reading about the places you visited. The trip sounded interesting, fun, and memorable – a heartfelt pleasure for the Kindred Spirits who joined you.
What a wonderful trip! So happy I was able to virtually follow along as I re(re)-read Little Women and Good Wives.
Through Jo’s story, LMA constantly reminds me that the conflict between duty to our family and duty to our inner self is a universal challenge. Only by striking a balance somewhere in the middle do we find happiness.
What an absolute dream!
Sounds like such a special trip! I hope I can join the next Enchanted journey!
While I wasn’t able to attend it has been a true joy to follow along and see all the smiles! I so look forward to being able to one day attend a live event with the kindred spirits but until then I will continue to follow along with a happy heart.
One of my most treasured memories in college was going to Concord and Lexington and seeing the places I was learning and studying about and I am so excited and thrilled that you all were able to have this same wonderful experience!
What an incredible journey you all had!!!! I wish I could have been a part of this trip, but am so grateful you brought the arm chair travelers along through your newsy posts and Instagram!! Many thanks! And what a lovely edition of Little Women
Hayley, you have created a beautiful club and are finding a way to unite people through lovely books . I’m loving being in this club! Love, kindness, friendship, and beauty – we need and want heaps of it!
I’m happy for all of you who were able to go on the trip. I would love to have been there, too… maybe one day…
Sherry Clevenger
How happy you all were! A moment to enjoy life’s beauty among people who are like roses, different growth experiences, but opening to share beauty.
Thanks for taking us all with you on this journey. Kindred spirits, indeed!
What a lovely idea! Looks fantastic and I would be delighted to join
I’m so glad you had a great time, Haylee! Thanks for the beautiful words. It’s really exciting to finally join EBC, and looking forward to discussing Little Women with y’all tonight!
This brought me to tears – I’m so pleased for you all, and really wish I had been there!!
It has been years since I visited Concord so this was a real treat to follow along on your adventures, remembering my first trip there. Hayley, you are an inspiration with the creation of the Enchanted Book Club – you have brought such joy to so many readers! Thank you for all you do!
So grateful to have found you wonderful people!
What a delightful event and thank you for sharing it with us!
Dear Sweet Hayley! I can’t tell you how many times I cried reading this blog post, and watching the videos. I feel all the same emotions that Isa so eloquently expressed in her beautiful poem. I too am proud to say I am proud to be of the easily enchanted sisterhood, and I never want to leave. I cannot express to you enough what this book club means to me. I sincerely look forward to each & every month since I’ve joined and the joy you and this group have brought to my life cannot be measured. I am waiting very impatiently for the day when I can embark with the club on one of these incredible literary journeys, but until then, wherever you all are – my heart is with you! xo ~ Ronda Kelley
Sigh….what a perfect trip-spring in New England, literary heroes, bookshops, afternoon tea and new and lasting friendships. What a connector of people you are, Hayley! And, hey, winning a beautiful book is always a good thing, no matter who wins
I loved following along with you all as you explored. It was so magical and I am so thankful for this community!
What a wonderful experience to be able to visit and immerse yourself in these places that played a part in inspiring the words that have continue to capture the our minds, imagination and hearts all these years later. I hope one day to be able to visit.
I’ve had so much fun following along on your travels! So much joy in all of the photos. Thank you for sharing Hayley!
It’s wonderful that you can all go on a fabulous trip! Unfortunately, I’m unable to afford such trips in my old age, so therefore, I have become an arm chair traveler. Books are now my door to experience adventures through the written word. That in itself is enchanting. Thank you, Hayley, for guiding us on this journey!
So beautiful! Deeply enjoyed following along online. My husband has read Little Women with me (his first time through it!) and that has been such a sweet experience! Thank you for the book club!
What a beautiful end to your magical trip! Glad you all enjoyed it so much